From Oy Vey to Ohev

Unless you follow the Nobel Prize, you may not have heard of Mairead Corrigan.  She was a shorthand typist and secretary in Belfast, Northern Ireland. But she wasn’t typing on the afternoon of August 10, 1976. Instead, she and her sister and her three children, hopped on bicycles and went for an outing. That same…

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The B’nai Mitzvah Meshugas

There is a very funny e-mail that floats around that almost every rabbi must get at one time or another. It is a small collection of children’s answers to questions that are posed in religious school. For instance, one said that Noah’s wife was “Joan of Arc.” When asked about the fifth commandment, another one…

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Starbucks and Tzedakah

I am a coffee fanatic. I am also a Judaism fanatic. So imagine my joy when I was able to tie in a coffee story to Jewish story. What am I talking about? Let me explain. The word on the street is that Starbucks will soon begin selling instant coffee, called Via, in stores for…

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Beauty from Sticks and Stones

As you know, it is almost Springtime and Springtime always means planting and  gardening and getting down and dirty in the soil and pray that what grows out  of the ground somewhat resembles the seeds you put into the ground! Now, as I  was getting ready for planting this season and planning out my garden,…

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In Light of Evil

The profoundly horrific events of Pittsburgh at the Tree of Life synagogue this past Shabbat has given us all pause to consider what it means to be Jewish in America.  There are the statistics that show quite clearly how contemporary American society finds it all too easy to attack Jews.  It reminds me of something…

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Tearing out a Page from the Book of Live

When I was a young rabbinic student and had just come back from my first year in Israel, I arrived in Cincinnati for a crash course in leading High Holiday services.  I wasn’t worried about my Hebrew.  That was fine.  I was worried about writing sermons, something I had never done before and was worried…

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With Ears of Moses

You probably all know the joke about the young man who came home from school one day and said to his mother, “Mom, I want to become a rabbi!” At which point his mother says, “That’s nice dear. But let me ask you a question: What kind of job is that for a nice Jewish…

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There is a Time to Live

Cyril Stanway

Candle Lighting for Lia Bram There is a time for everything under the heavens. So says Kohelet in the Bible. There is a time to live and a time to die. A time to rejoice and a time to weep. Today, at this moment my family and I rejoice. And, today, at this moment, my…

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