There is a Time to Live

Candle Lighting for Lia Bram

There is a time for everything under the heavens. So says Kohelet in the Bible.

There is a time to live and a time to die.

A time to rejoice and a time to weep.

Today, at this moment my family and I rejoice.

And, today, at this moment, my family and I weep.

We rejoice because of the significance of this day but week because my grandfather, Shmulik, is no longer with us.

How he would have loved to have been here at this time of living and rejoicing.

But he has passed on to life eternal and so our tears of joy are mingled with our tears of sorrow.

I ask what the Psalmist asked:

Hear my prayer, O Lord, and give ear unto my cry; hold not thy peace at my tears

My grandfather is with us in a very real way and will always be. His memory has blessed us because his life was a blessing – a bracha.

I therefore light this candle of remembrance in honor of my grandfather. I pray today that my hands do the same good as his hands and that my heart beat with the same passion and love for the Jewish people as his. In this way, will my grandfather, Shmuel Raz, live with me and walk with me for the rest of my life.

(light the candle)

I have also created Shabbat Services, minyan services.

Posted in
Cyril Stanway
