The Medieval World

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One Leg: A Torah for a Virus: 3/18/2020 All trying times give rise to some insightful humor. During the Middle Ages in the time of the bubonic plaque, Jews were suspected of creating the disease and attacked because relatively few Jews got sick. One part of the accusation is…

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Imitating Moses

While Standing (6 Feet Apart) on One Foot A Torah for a Virus The story of Moses, Miriam and God has an interesting episode in the Book of Numbers. Miriam and Aaron, Moses’ brother and sister didn’t like that Moses had married a Cushite woman – a black, probably African, woman. They confronted Moses and…

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Torah in the Time of Virus: 3-16-20

Moses’ invitation to ’cause people to come together’ is not so much a command to simply bring a big crowd to one spot. Rather it is, literally God saying to Moses, ‘Give these people a cause….and here is the cause. Build something constructive together and make that thing holy

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Don’t Be Amalek…Be a Jew

Amalek is Us?  Only if we let it! Rabbi Cy Stanway The holiday of Purim is beckoned with a Torah portion in which the main commandment is, “Remember what the Amalekites did to you along your way from Egypt, how they met you on your journey when you were tired and weary, and they attacked…

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