The Important Sermon

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One FootApril 6, 2020 My daughter was ambling through one of the open air markets a couple of months ago (BC – Before Covid!) and she found a gift for me. It is sitting on my desk in the temple office. It is mug and on it is written,…

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Cruel Irrelevancy

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One FoodErev Shabbat, April 3, 2020 The Israeli Chief Rabbinate just issued a halachic ruling about Zooming on Pesach. It can be distilled to one word: forbidden. But, of course. Their logic, though, is fundamentally correct. Since no lives are endangered if you don’t Zoom and have a virtual…

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At Gehinnom’s Table

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One Foot April 2, 2020 I am frustrated and angry. There is a well-known Hassidic tale that goes like this: ‘What will it be like in the world to come? It is said that evildoers would be punished by not being able to bend their arms. The chasid queried…

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A Quiet Act of Rebellion

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One FootApril 1, 2020 Pirke Avot, the important sayings of our Sages said this some 1800 years ago: Rabbi Levitas a man of Yavneh said: be exceeding humble spirit, for the end of man is the worm. Humility is the characteristic of a wise and good person. In times…

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