Year One of COVID – Erev Rosh Hashanna 2020/5781

Many years ago, I found myself in the bottom of 30 foot hole digging in an archeological ruin in Israel.  My discoveries were hardly earth-shattering although my partner and I found a floor of the very earliest Cannanite dwelling in Tel Dan.  If you ever read ‘The Tel’ the very first floor of the very…

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School Supplies…Masks & Fear

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One FootJuly 8, 2020 So now it appears that we are at some kind of a point in this pandemic when we are supposed to open the schools. The politicians know that the virus tends to be more fatal in older people so they can’t really say ‘Let everyone…

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Being Finished with the Truth

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One FootJune 22, 2020 I love science. Always have. When I was in school, I couldn’t wait for science class. Biology mesmerized me. Physics tried to satisfy the many ‘whys’ that danced around in my head. And chemistry – oy gevalt – the hardest of all the disciplines was…

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A Holy Shmatte on a Stick?

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One FootJune 8, 2020 As my congregants will tell you and for which they jokingly ridicule me, I am not a sports fan. Of course I have been to sporting events and enjoyed them – especially hockey. But I could not name the players on any team, its statistics…

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God Verses go (Intentional Misspelling)

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One FootJune 4, 2020 When the President walked to the Episcopal Church through a phalanx of armed guards to hold up a Bible for what was a photo op immediately after his announcement to send in the troops, I fully understood in my own frame of reference what the…

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Kvetching through the Desert

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One LegMay 28, 2020 The Jewish festival of Shavuot begins this evening. In case you are unfamiliar with the holiday, it lands on the 50th day after Passover begins. It is the time of the first harvest, the time of the giving of the Torah, and the season of…

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Stumbling Blocks and Zombies

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) On One Leg May 21, 2020 I went to the race track once and bet on a horse. No, really, I did.  In fact, I learned to read the racesheet, compared the track conditions to the track conditions the horses were used to running in, looked for other characteristics and…

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Imagination Rules

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) On One LegMay 18, 2020 Of all the Zoom conferences I had in the past two months, I had a most unusual one last night with my colleagues from Camp Erin. Camp Erin, if you don’t know, is a nation camp movement and my local camp a 2 day summer…

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A Psychology Lesson

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) On One FootMay 15 – Erev Shabbat It’s interesting that I haven’t really put pen to paper to do my sorta-daily blog. I was talking about this with one of my children and she said something interesting – ‘You are the only one putting pressure on yourself to accomplish something.…

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Dying for Ice Cream

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) On One FootMay 11, 2020 So it is pretty clear that the country is starting to ‘open up.’ No one really knows what’s going to happen but the epidemiologists have a pretty good clue. Many will open. Many will get sick. Some will die. It is a terrible calculus but…

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