A Perfect Seder

By Cyril | April 10, 2020

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One FootPesach Day OneApril 9, 2020 In Greek philosophy, Plato describes a strange concept that grows more appealing to me every day. It is called the ‘world of forms.’ Bear with me. You are probably sitting on a chair. It is easily identified as a chair. And yet there…

Feeling Pesach

By Cyril | April 8, 2020

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One FootErev Pesach – April 8, 2020 Why is this night different than any other night? When we ask that simple question, the answer this year can be either, ‘Where do I begin?’ or ‘Oy! Where have you been?!’ No one, and I mean no one, is ever going…

The Important Sermon

By Cyril | April 6, 2020

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One FootApril 6, 2020 My daughter was ambling through one of the open air markets a couple of months ago (BC – Before Covid!) and she found a gift for me. It is sitting on my desk in the temple office. It is mug and on it is written,…

Cruel Irrelevancy

By Cyril | April 3, 2020

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One FoodErev Shabbat, April 3, 2020 The Israeli Chief Rabbinate just issued a halachic ruling about Zooming on Pesach. It can be distilled to one word: forbidden. But, of course. Their logic, though, is fundamentally correct. Since no lives are endangered if you don’t Zoom and have a virtual…

At Gehinnom’s Table

By Cyril | April 2, 2020

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One Foot April 2, 2020 I am frustrated and angry. There is a well-known Hassidic tale that goes like this: ‘What will it be like in the world to come? It is said that evildoers would be punished by not being able to bend their arms. The chasid queried…

A Quiet Act of Rebellion

By Cyril | April 1, 2020

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One FootApril 1, 2020 Pirke Avot, the important sayings of our Sages said this some 1800 years ago: Rabbi Levitas a man of Yavneh said: be exceeding humble spirit, for the end of man is the worm. Humility is the characteristic of a wise and good person. In times…

Numbers Lie

By Cyril | March 31, 2020

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One Foot March 31, 2020 We have all heard the expression ‘Numbers don’t lie.’ As the US passes the 3,000 dead milestone and has now officially passed the death toll from 9/11 it is important to understand that the numbers do lie. Yes, numbers lie. Numbers tell us a…

The New Hagaddah

By Cyril | March 30, 2020

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One FootMarch 30, 2020 There are always some silver linings to dark times. When this viral pandemic began, I never thought I would be spending so much time every week with the teens and young adults. And, while it is only online, they have opened up to me and…

Shabbat Vayikra 2020

By Cyril | March 28, 2020

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One FootShabbat March 28, 2020 As we enter in the book of Leviticus, I am struck by the parallels we see today in our current health crisis. Leviticus is a long series of commandments about the sacrificial service at the Tabernacle. There are laws about sin offerings, free will…

Between Two Lights

By Cyril | March 27, 2020

While Standing (Six Feet Apart) on One FootErev Shabbat March 27, 2020 Shabbat is about to descend upon us and bring its peace. These are hard days in which to find the peace we seek. According to tradition, we are supposed to unplug to our devices and plug in to our family and friends. In…